Trudy's Latest Articles
, by Trudy Chuoke Trudy Chuoke Lights that Save you Money
Levitron makes a great occupancy detector switch that will turn on the lights in a room and then turn them off when it detects motion. ...
, by Trudy Chuoke Trudy Chuoke Go Mist and Be Cool
When my daughter was in sports during the summer it was always so hot. I would remind her to take plenty of water and stay...
, by Trudy Chuoke Trudy Chuoke PB Blaster to the Rescue
I had a customer that came in last weekend and had a problem with rusty hardware. It was his gate hardware on the fence. He...
, by Trudy Chuoke Trudy Chuoke Staining Outdoors this Summer
If you are staining a new fence, freshening up an older fence or deck this summer I would suggest you research who carries these products...
, by Trudy Chuoke Trudy Chuoke Rust Cures
Yesterday I had a great couple who came into the store right before the radio show we do at 3pm every Saturday on WOAI 1200AM. ...
, by Trudy Chuoke Trudy Chuoke Mosquito Relief
Now Is the Time! Many of you know that I do a live radio show on Saturdays from the store that airs at 3pm on...
, by Trudy Chuoke Trudy Chuoke Instant Power Tank Cleaner
The wonderful part about being in the hardware business for over 40 years is that I remember when….when the product was newly launched, the original...
, by Trudy Chuoke Trudy Chuoke Bring It On! Cleaning Uses
Do you ever wonder where companies get the name of their products? I mean like WD40….did you know that there was WD1-39 before the product...
, by Trudy Chuoke Trudy Chuoke Trudy's Favorite Sprinkler
Favorite Sprinkler by Orbit I have found a new favorite sprinkler by Orbit. It’s called Precision Arc Perfect Pattern Sprinkler. I know- what a...
, by Trudy Chuoke Trudy Chuoke Fire Ants
Tackling the fire ant p[roblem.
, by Trudy Chuoke Trudy Chuoke Questions from Our Readers
Questions from Our Readers
, by Trudy Chuoke Trudy Chuoke One More Convenience for Doors
What is a spring hinge? It’s a way to let a hinge do the work of closing the doors.