Trudy's Latest Articles
, by Trudy Chuoke Trudy Chuoke Terro for Outdoor Ants
Terro has a newer product for outdoor ants that is easy to use, and I want to give you my experience with the product. Terro...
, by Trudy Chuoke Trudy Chuoke Cleaning Driveways with RustAid
About this time of the year, I answer the questions about rust stains on concrete driveway and sidewalks caused by Ironite applied to the lawn....
, by Trudy Chuoke Trudy Chuoke March Project with Howard's
I remember the first time that the reps from Howard’s approached me about their leather cleaner. I must have looked confused because for the most...
, by Trudy Chuoke Trudy Chuoke Sleek Sockets
If you are like me …. I like to move furniture around, a lot. I have an open concept home and so I have flexibility...
, by Trudy Chuoke Trudy Chuoke Fresh Cube Technology
Buying groceries is a big part of my budget. It used not to be years ago, but groceries these days are right up there with...
, by Trudy Chuoke Trudy Chuoke Neutralizing Odors in Nursing Homes
I have come to the age in my life, in my 70’s, that I don’t visit friends with newborn babies any longer, but friends that...
, by Trudy Chuoke Trudy Chuoke Repelling mice with Morgan's
It’s a new month and so we are going to start a new project. The January project was using White Ring Remover to erase hazy...
, by Trudy Chuoke Trudy Chuoke Freeze Miser Advantages
We are finally having some cold weather in Texas. Maybe you have weatherized your house already, but in case you haven’t, let me give you...
, by Trudy Chuoke Trudy Chuoke Removing White Rings
I must have received a dozen phone calls about moisture rings on furniture in the last week. You know those annoying stains that appear on...
, by Trudy Chuoke Trudy Chuoke Mild Weather Pest Control
As I am writing this article, the weather this winter has been extremely mild. And as a resident of San Antonio, part of that seems...
, by Trudy Chuoke Trudy Chuoke Happy New Year
Here it is the first of the year...a new beginning. No matter what was happening in 2024, we have a chance to change that all...
, by Trudy Chuoke Trudy Chuoke Reminiscing with Dad
Sometimes I like to get out Dad’s older articles and read them. I get real inspiration from looking over his articles. I have big conversations...