Howard’s Wax It All
- , by Trudy Chuoke Sarah Jones
I am at the age that when I got married, you registered for gifts that you wanted to start your own home. And back (way back) the only pots and pans that you wanted were Revere Ware. They are the best of the best because of that copper bottom that cooks evenly. How many of you still have your original set? I do and though I also have Calphalon, I almost always reach my Revere Ware. They have those nice, insulated handles and knobs and copper bottoms. And they are light, so much lighter compared to my other pans. So, the other day I was looking at my Revere Ware and noticed the handles and knobs were all faded. Probably because I put everything in the dishwasher. I wondered how I could make these look better?
Underneath my sink I keep Wax It All by Howard’s. It is a food grade paste wax that can be used on many surfaces. Of course, you can use it on cutting boards, charcuterie boards, any butcher block utensils or wood bowls. With mineral oil, beeswax and carnauba wax, you can enhance the color and grain of the wood using Wax It All.
But wood is not the only thing you can use this wax on. You can use it on concrete. Do you have a concrete countertop in your kitchen or outdoor BBQ? You can use it on metal. Are you all out of cleaner for your stainless-steel sink? Or polish for your faucets? It does wonders for aluminum, like on your glass shower doors. And it works on patio furniture. I have powder coated outdoor furniture and it holds up so well, but it’s cloudy and dull. But if you apply this wax, it will intensify the color and make the furniture look so good. Do you have a granite composite sink and it has lost its luster? Soapstone counter tops that look dull? They will look better using this food safe wax.
To apply Wax It All just use a soft cloth. You can use a paper towel, but I get better results with a cloth. Rub it in and let it work. Then buff off. That’s it! And that’s what I did on my Revere Ware. I polished the knobs and handles, and they look new again. You can reapply anytime the knobs and handles look dull again if you are like me and put your pots in the dishwasher. And just a little hint, if the copper bottoms of your Revere Ware are black or tarnished, use some Delete Germ. Drizzle a stream on the copper and use a Scotch Brite scrubby sponge and start cleaning. Just remember, clean quickly and rinse immediately. Rinse out the sponge when you finish cleaning and don’t leave any Delete Germ residue in the sink.
I must tell you, I did a quick eye roll when I started researching for this project. All the Revere Ware I have is called “Vintage” …. well, that’s just a reminder of what my mirror is telling me daily.
Now to the email….
Question: We had some roofers that did repair work on my home. They left some roofing tar on the driveway. Then we had company and that tar was tracked into the house onto the carpet. I have tried everything and nothing has removed the stain. I am wondering what we can use to clean this mess.
Answer: Contractors De-Solv It removes roofing tar. Work in a small area at a time. Spray the area and then start cleaning, working towards the middle of the stain. I like to use a plastic putty knife. Push the putty knife down to the bottom of the carpet bringing it to the center of the stain. Work all around the stain. This will clean the stain from the bottom of the carpet fibers so that this stain does not re-appear. Then blot with a white towel, moving the towel to a clean spot so you don’t spread the stain. Then move to the next area. Don’t scrub the stain, which tends to spread the stain and then you get a bigger mess. Then let dry. If there is a shadow of a stain left, repeat the process. Once you are sure the stain is gone, clean with a liquid carpet cleaner.