Sleek Sockets
- , by Trudy Chuoke Trudy Chuoke
If you are like me …. I like to move furniture around, a lot. I have an open concept home and so I have flexibility when it comes to furniture placement. But you know what I don’t like? The one electrical outlet that I have in the area will be on the wall that I want to place the couch against. And then I have to snake cords around the area. And then there is all the safety issues with the tangle of cords going to one plug.
About 2 years ago I came across Sleek Socket. I immediately fell in love with this product. Why? Well one, it was made in Houston. And two, I had just bought a new sofa, and it needed to be placed directly against the wall. It is a sectional, so it takes up two walls. And the only electrical for the den is on those walls. The flushest wall tap I found was made by Woods, and it was over an inch thick. An inch is a lot when you are trying to push your sofa against a wall. If I wanted to add a cord, I would have to pull the sofa out, major event, and then snake my arm down the back of the sofa and try to plug a new cord in.
When I got my new Sleek Socket, I pulled out my sofa for the last time and pushed the socket into place. Sleek Socket has 3 different versions. One has a 3 ft cord with 3 outlets. There is an 8 ft cord with 3 outlets and then there is a new version that is a surge protector with 3 outlets. This gives me so many ways to light up my den, plug in a 10ft charging cord for my IPAD or phone, my TV, my internet...the Sleek Socket has been a game changer. And as far as the safety issue with all the cords, it’s a much better safety situation.
Where else can you use a Sleek Socket? The kitchen. Let me explain. We have toasters, coffee machines, can openers, lamps that all fight their way to the socket. And then you have your beautiful back splash, with a mess of cords. Not a good look…. but we want all of our appliances, we need them. So put a Sleek Socket in place, which will give you a neat appearance and then plug all your appliances in the 3 or 8 ft Sleek Socket. Tuck the cords neatly and safely behind so no one can see. Your countertop will look neat and clean. When I replaced and put in a Sleek Socket in the kitchen…. I said to myself, oh why didn’t I think of that? One more thing, if you have a dark painted wall, prime and paint Sleek Socket and you will never see it. Sleek Socket also comes with double stick tape to secure the cord again the wall.
The Sleek Sockets are on the website…. and they will be a great price to help you get all you need for your home.
Now to the email…...
Question: I have laminate counter tops, and I have always used Gel Gloss. I am having a really hard time finding it lately. Are they still making it? And if not…. now what am I supposed to use?
Answer: They have discontinued Gel Gloss. I have seen so many good products stopped being produced in the last two years, however you do have an alternative to safely clean with. Bring It On is a great substitute product. It will clean and provide protection for your laminate counter tops. Great question!
Question: We had new tile installed in the entry of our home. It looked great when they were done. A week later, I see a haze all across the tile. What is that? How do I clean that haze off? I have tried all kinds of cleaners, but nothing budges it. Do you have a suggestion? And my contractor will not come back out to clean it up.
Answer: It’s excess mortar and the product you want to use is called Sackrete Concrete Dissolver. There are a few out there but this is still the most resealable priced. Spray it on the stains, and brush to remove. Rinse with clear water.